Iowa Department of Administrative Services

State of Iowa Bid Opportunities


Active Bid Opportunities

Bid Information


IDR Tax Modernization Program

Request for Proposals



Overview: The Iowa Department of Revenue (IDR) (Agency) is launching a Tax Modernization Program to replace all tax processing systems with an integrated, modern, single-vendor, commercial off-the-shelf, hosted System. The System will meet the State's need for a System that provides centralized tax and revenue management and processes and a robust web interface for its taxpayers, stakeholders, and Agency Staff. In addition, the System shall be customer-centric and meet the diverse needs of various Agency constituencies. The RFP20001 document is attached, containing the RFP schedule and details on how to submit a responsive proposal. The additional RFP Attachments referenced within the RFP20001 document are also attached. Jan. 31 NOTE: Amendment One containing information about participating in the Feb. 6 Pre-Proposal Conference (optional participation) as well as clarification concerning the March 26 deadline to submit proposals is attached. Feb. 27 NOTE: The State of Iowa issues Amendment Two to RFP20001.  Amendment Two contains answers to questions submitted by the Feb. 13 deadline.  In addition, a revised Cost Proposal, titled "Attachment 4 - Cost Proposal Revised", has been attached and should be used in place of the previous cost proposal.  March 11 NOTE: The State issues and attaches Amendment Three to the RFP. Amendment Three contains changes to the Instructions for completing RFP Attachment 3 and Attachment 15.  March 26 NOTE:  Addendum One for RFP20001 for an IDR Tax Modernization Program has been released today and is attached.   The Addendum lists the Tax Modernization Program RFP evaluation criteria and available points.  The Addendum is for information purposes ONLY and respondent responses to the Addendum are not required nor expected.  Deadline to respond to the opportunity is 3 PM Central Time on Thurs., March 26, 2020. 

Agency Information


Administrative Services, Dept

Hoover State Office Bldg, 3rd Flr

1305 E. Walnut

Des Moines, IA 50319

Contact Information

Ken Discher

Purchasing Agent

(515) 745-2561

(515) 725-0133

Valid Dates

1/27/2020 5:25:00 PM

3/26/2020 3:00:00 PM


1/27/2020 5:22:47 PM
1/27/2020 5:15:34 PM


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